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All eyes on me please

My name is Spring and I was born in Dubai. The lady whom I am sharing my house with was living in Dubai and she rescued me and my sister from the very hot sun (47degrees) where some bad persons had left us in a tiny …

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Photo-Shoot Time.

Today we went on a photo-shoot, I was not the model though, I did the make-up during this shoot, my back-up plan for when I stop my modeling career, (read, for when I’m old and nobody will ask me). I asked the photographer if he could …

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Bye Bye beautiful Rome…

…I had a lovely time! Although, apart from a few tears during the Ivory Crush when I held a baby elephant tusk, the pain and fear this baby and his/her family must have felt is heartbreaking. One simple word, Unacceptable! But to continue on a much …

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Can you spot SPIRIT?

SPIRIT is back in Europe!

These images where made during a nice dinner with a big group of friends who came from all over the world, (London, Germany, Abu Dhabi, U.S) to support our big event tomorrow in Rome. The SPIRIT was with all of us to toast to an amazing …

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Late Sunday lunch…

…in beachside Cottesloe…


Finally unpacked my diamond necklace today. Immigration is not easy in Australia – even for diamonds – so it took a few weeks to get the beautiful Schullin box through customs. But here it is – looking forward to being part of the friendship! xox Gabriela

12 beautiful, inspiring days with SPIRIT in Stuttgart

My Days with SPIRIT have been very exiting – right at the beginning I was taken by this beautyful diamond necklace and inspired by the meaning and the idea that it follows – to be past on from one friend to another all around the World.  …

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Find out more about Karin

Ever curious about the life and thoughts of the people wearing SPIRIT? Well, Karin gave us a little interview. Enjoy!

inner peace & party

When I had a yoga session on my rooftop terrace the other morning, SPIRIT watched everything from the most peaceful place…!

Sweating it…

I didn’t want to leave SPIRIT home alone the next morning so I took the moon with me to my gym.

Magic bond

The following night my friend Sarah Alles and her husband Thimon von Berlepsch were at a dinner party. She is a wonderful actress and he is a superb magician. So when we meet it is always vivid and inspiring. Here SPIRIT has a flirt with Sarah, …

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And Action…

Congratulations Aglaia! The play was sold out. The audience were swept off their feet.

Friends are like stars…

…they are here even though we sometimes don’t see them. SPIRIT has been with a dear friend of Cici in Beijing. We haven’t received any pictures yet, but she sent the necklace on, to a friend of hers in Shenzhen. We hope you are well and …

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I’ll Miss You

我会想念你 SPIRIT, 以月相为设计灵感的项链。200颗钻石镶嵌的月面,辅以缟玛瑙造就的月影及可自由变化长短的颈链,自奥地利诞生,为”世界友谊”从纽约出发开始它环游世界的旅行。9月2日,在参与为法国驻广州总领事馆总领事Bruno Bisson 举办的欢送会后,SPIRIT也将结束了它中国站第一程的传递和我说再见了。且让这黑与白的经典,为不舍的人事离别停驻;且让那荏苒时光的笔触,为未来不可知的精彩将此时此刻真实收录。SPIRIT, 我会想念你…… I’LL MISS YOU SPIRIT, inspired by phase of the moon, it is made up of 200 fine white diamonds with a hidden onyx plate of the same shape which can be slid in the foreground smoothly. Created by an Austrian …

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离别 离别,教习对相遇的珍视 — 聚会,个人各自小星球的碰撞。初识的喜悦、久别的问候、流动的沟通、简单的真诚、还有意外的重逢…… 两个城市,来回近四小时车程,从拥抱到再见。一声平实却真挚的祝福,一颗温暖的心,一份因离别而不舍的牵挂。 人生没有的随随便便的相遇,每一分在生命中出现的交集,都有它存在的必然和因此而生的故事,一并在未来成为可以回忆的记忆。离别,教习我懂得对相遇的珍视。 SEPARATION Separation teaches us to cherish gatherings We meet different people at parties. The first-meet joy, long-awaited greetings, mutual communication, unexpected reunions… I made a four-hour round trip between Shenzhen and Guangzhou. We met, hugged and said goodbye to each …

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欢送会 在人生来来往往的聚散里,最幸运的莫过于能与真实、真诚、真挚相遇,例如Bruno Bisson。忽略他法国驻华南区领事馆总领事的光环,他是个无比值得珍惜的朋友,他的真令人动容和不舍。九月中,他将离开中国前往巴西,在为他而举办的欢送会上,各国领事到场,人们都将最真挚的祝福送给他。他的中文名:白屿淞。 I’ll miss you, Bruno, my dear friend, we live only to discover beauty, all else is a form of waiting. Thank you for what you have done for “Designers” and me … FAREWELL People come and go in our life. But we treasure …

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„One cannot not communicate“ …

…is the most famous quote by Paul Watzlawick, an Austrian-American communications theorist and philosopher. In friendships this is very obvious. We don’t need to ask if something is wrong, we know when a friend is not feeling well. However, what applies for spoken and unspoken words …

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SPIRIT goes with everything

Here are the last pictures. Spirit, I will miss you and I wish you a wonderful journey… You are going to one of my closest friends, Sulaika and I know you will make her very happy as well….and many other girls afterwards! ❤❤ Mesi