SPIRIT, 以月相为设计灵感的项链。200颗钻石镶嵌的月面,辅以缟玛瑙造就的月影及可自由变化长短的颈链,自奥地利诞生,为”世界友谊”从纽约出发开始它环游世界的旅行。9月2日,在参与为法国驻广州总领事馆总领事Bruno Bisson 举办的欢送会后,SPIRIT也将结束了它中国站第一程的传递和我说再见了。且让这黑与白的经典,为不舍的人事离别停驻;且让那荏苒时光的笔触,为未来不可知的精彩将此时此刻真实收录。SPIRIT, 我会想念你……
SPIRIT, inspired by phase of the moon, it is made up of 200 fine white diamonds with a hidden onyx plate of the same shape which can be slid in the foreground smoothly. Created by an Austrian designer, SPIRIT began its trip to the first friend in New York for a worldwide friendship. On September, 2nd, 2014, I attended the farewell party for Bruno Bission, meanwhile, I finished the SPIRIT’s first stop in China. Let these black and white photos capture memories of unforgettable people. And let this writing authentically record this gathering moment.