离别,教习对相遇的珍视 —
聚会,个人各自小星球的碰撞。初识的喜悦、久别的问候、流动的沟通、简单的真诚、还有意外的重逢…… 两个城市,来回近四小时车程,从拥抱到再见。一声平实却真挚的祝福,一颗温暖的心,一份因离别而不舍的牵挂。 人生没有的随随便便的相遇,每一分在生命中出现的交集,都有它存在的必然和因此而生的故事,一并在未来成为可以回忆的记忆。离别,教习我懂得对相遇的珍视。
Separation teaches us to cherish gatherings
We meet different people at parties. The first-meet joy, long-awaited greetings, mutual communication, unexpected reunions… I made a four-hour round trip between Shenzhen and Guangzhou. We met, hugged and said goodbye to each other. We exchanged our sincere blessings and left reluctantly. People meet in destiny and their stories begin. Finally, stories become valuable memories. Then Separation teaches us to cherish our gatherings.