看得见的信任 — SPIRIT 的欢迎会 1
180天,能做什么?在无声的传递里,完成一段关于信任、关于友谊、关于精神与灵魂的对话并环游世界的奇秒旅程。我说的是“SPIRIT”,一条正在周游列国的神奇项链和我们自己。SPIRIT,诞生于著名的设计师HANS SCHULLIN之手,2013年11月从纽约出发,而今来到深圳,自深圳起将开始它的中国旅程。
我是袁子加,我在中国深圳。很荣幸能成为“SPIRIT”在中国的第一位佩戴者。有一丝小小的紧张,未来的十天里,该怎样让 “SPIRIT”了解深圳,了解我所生活的这座中国南方充满了朝气与活力的靠海的城市,了解我身边的朋友们,我们的独立与奋斗、友谊、生活还有爱?我很兴奋与“SPIRIT”的同行,更无比期待与她共享的未知旅程…… 入夜后,朋友们依约自四方而来,我们一起在四季酒店的温暖灯火里,为“SPIRIT”举办了一个小小的欢迎会。
What can we do in 180 days? We can complete a wonderful worldwide journey to pass on trust, spirit and souls. What I’m saying is a magical necklace SPIRIT which is travelling around the world, and the stories of us. SPIRIT, designed by a famous Austrian designer, Hans Schullin, set off its journey from New York in November, 2013. Today, SPIRIT is continuing its fantastic trip beginning in Shenzhen to all over China!!!
I’m Cici. It’s great pleasure for me to be the first wearer in China. I even feel a little nervous but excited. Wearing SPIRIT, I will go to show you this beautiful and energetic costal city where I live in the south of China, to meet my friends, to learn about the stories of our hard work, friendship, life and love. Thrilled and with enormous curiosity, I enjoy and look forward to the coming, unknown trips with SPIRIT.
The night is getting dark. Friends of mine come to the Four Seasons Hotel as we promised. Under the warm lights of the hotel, we are holding a little SPIRIT welcome part.